CottageCare was honored to be a sponsor of Team James at the annual March of Dimes Central Iowa Chapter March for Babies that took place on May 7th in Ankeny, Iowa.
In Iowa over 4,400 babies are born prematurely each year and over 1,100 with a birth defect. The Annual March for Babies gives hope to the babies born sick or too soon. Since 1970, nationally, these walks have raised over $2.6 billion and more than 7 million people have participated, donated and/or sponsored.
This year Samantha and Adam Gudenkauf and their daughter Catelyn were chosen as the Central Iowa Ambassador Family for the March of Dimes. Their son, James Otto born on 5/19/10 and passed away in their arms just a few short hours after his premature birth.
As Ambassador Family, the Gudenkauf family joined by Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, led Team James supporters on the two mile walk. Sam and Debra Phillips are co-workers at Aetna.
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