CALL CottageCare 1-800-476-7830

The purpose is to provide housing, food, clothing, education and health care to orphans who have no safety net. The U.S. and most developed countries have social safety nets for orphans and the less fortunate; countries like Rwanda, young, vibrant and thriving though they may be, cannot yet afford to provide care for orphans, especially when they constitute over 10% of the population of the country, as is the case in Rwanda.

The principals and officers of CottageCare®, Inc. found themselves drawn to do something to help. There is so much need around the world; you have to determine what your own part is. What will I do? Rwanda was our interest. We cannot explain how we were drawn to Rwanda, a leading that melted our hearts to help. Just because we can’t save every orphan doesn’t mean we shouldn’t provide for some–those Providence puts in our way and within our means.

If you are a customer of CottageCare®, your patronage is gratefully appreciated. On top of receiving Cottage Care services, you are vicariously helping to support widows and orphans in Rwanda.
Phone Number
1-800-476-7830The Rwanda Project: Promoting personal and financial
well-being through infrastructure and resources
2007: Tom & Sheri travel to Rwanda to search out local
partners to manage our children’s homes housing orphans,
cared for by widows.
2008: Land is purchased, homes are built, and the
Rwandan government refers orphans to reside in the
2008: The Vulnerable Children’s program is launched,
providing education and health care for children outside our
homes too impoverished to afford it for themselves.
More than 100 children have been cared for in one of these programs. Even some, who came to us when they were just 8 years old, are now self-sustaining and launched into adulthood.
Tom’s visit in 2017 determined that infrastructure for water and electricity was getting close enough to our villages that we invested in extending that infrastructure to our homes. No longer would they, like all the other villagers, have to walk 15 minutes to get water, or rely on equatorial moonlight from 6pm to 6am.
Electricity and on-site water was celebrated at Tom’s visit in 2018. With on-site water, came the expansion of food crops like cassava, banana palms, maize, and more. Goats and cows are now providing milk and revenue for upgrading the standard of living, as well.
With the September, 2018 visit, we also launched a partnership with Hope International. This established Savings Groups, which help the poor in the villages utilize a well-organized program of pooling their monies to self-fund entrepreneurial activities.
The Impact We’re Making
Our children’s homes are thriving and their influence is reaching into the villages, promoting personal and financial
well-being. It’s exciting and extremely gratifying to see the growth of self-reliance and self-esteem in people that
are provided the tools to work their way out of poverty and engage in creative endeavors to raise their standards
of living, beyond previous levels of mere existence.