Going Green in 2017. Great Eco Friendly Air Freshener Tips! | CottageCare

We hope you enjoyed last week’s post on the The Dirty Details [and facts] on Paper Towels and Sponges. Excited to continue our efforts in spreading awareness to “Go Green in 2017”, this week we are going to talk about the harmful effects of air fresheners on our environment and give you a few eco friendly air freshener tips to keep your home smelling fresh between your CottageCare house cleanings!

There is a lot of information out there on why air fresheners are bad for you and the environment, and we are going to give you a brief rundown! Did you know that most store-bought air fresheners contain volatile organic compounds, which are harmful to both humans and the environment, that consist of formaldehyde, petrochemicals, p-dichlorobenzene and aerosol pollutants*? Dichlorobenzene is the main ingredient used to manufacture the infamous pesticide DDT, and its cousins, DDE and DDD. Even the air fresheners that are labeled as “all natural” have been found to be unsafe. And we spray these things in closed spaces!! Previously, the state and federal governments have been worried about VOC’s contaminating our ground water. On that note, we have a few eco friendly air freshener tips for you!

Usually, an odor in your home is coming from a specific source!

Did you take out the trash? Change the litter box? Wash that wet towel? Does your gym bag need to be washed?

Check around! Sometimes eliminating an odor from the air can be an easier fix than you may think!

Open a window! What better way to freshen the air than with fresh air?!

Going Green in 2017. Great Eco Friendly Air Freshener Tips! | CottageCare

Simmer a lemon peel on the stovetop!

Going Green in 2017. Great Eco Friendly Air Freshener Tips! | CottageCare

Baking soda can be used to freshen or clean just about anything.

Going Green in 2017. Great Eco Friendly Air Freshener Tips! | CottageCare

Make your own room spray with essential oils.

Going Green in 2017. Great Eco Friendly Air Freshener Tips! | CottageCare

Here are a few wonderful recipes that are natural and eco friendly using essential oils. 

As always, we hope this post has you thinking about and considering what you are using in your home in between the CottageCare house cleanings. Remember, protecting our health and the environment is important more now than ever. Any step we make in committing to Going Green in 2017 no matter how big or how small is a step in the right direction!

What are your favorite natural and eco friendly ways to freshen the air in your home?


*Source EPA