11 Benefits of Hiring a House Cleaner | CottageCare

Nearly everyone who considers hiring a home cleaning service questions the benefits.

  • Do I really need to hire someone to clean for me?
  • Shouldn’t I just buckle down and keep doing my own cleaning?
  • Isn’t this going to cost me too much?

We’ve compiled a list of 11 benefits from customers who have chosen to delegate their house cleaning to CottageCare. 

While only you can decide what’s best for you and your family, we think the feedback from satisfied clients and the benefits speak volumes about the value of professional home cleaning.

11 Benefits to Enjoy by Delegating Your Home Cleaning

1. Simplify your life.

My regular cleaner is very professional and thorough. I love the feeling of having a fresh, clean house! Shea R., Fort Worth

You have enough to worry about. 

Between work, kids, school, family events, community involvement, and all the rest, our minds are often as cluttered as our homes can get. 

Wanna keep things simple? Delegate your house cleaning. We’ve cleaned thousands of homes across the country, and one thing our satisfied clients tell us over and over again is that they absolutely love the feeling of stepping into a sparkling clean home.

Cleaning isn’t just something you can tuck away on a to-do list. The countertops, floors, and toilet practically stare you down day after day. Put your mind at ease, restore balance, and simplify your life with house cleaning that just plain old makes you feel good again.

What would you do with freed up physical, mental, and emotional space?

2. Regain valuable time.

Due to my work schedule I don’t have as much time as I like, so a helping hand is very much appreciated. M.K., Virginia Beach

Who couldn’t use a little (or a lot!) more time? When you hire house cleaning services, you’re not just exchanging money for a service, you’re actually buying back some of your time. And if time is the most valuable commodity, then that cleaning is worth every penny. 

What would you do with an extra few hours every week?

3. Reduce your stress.

Thanks for taking the stress off of our busy family! It’s been worth every penny!Angie S., Columbus

Americans are more stressed than ever. A cluttered, unkempt, and messy home can actually raise your cortisol levels, increasing your stress.

With stressors coming at us from every possible direction, anything you can do to reduce stress is at least worth considering.

How would your stress levels change if you had help with cleaning? 

4. Appreciate your home more.

To say that the home is “spotless“ when she leaves would be an understatement. I doubt it’s possible to find a better cleaning service than CottageCare.Joseph S., Virginia Beach

Our homes offer us much more than just shelter, but too often, the stress of managing our living spaces crowds out our appreciation and gratitude. Whether you have a studio apartment or a five-bedroom house, a clean, decluttered space can help you enjoy your home afresh. 

What would it feel like to enjoy spending time at home again in clean, sanitary surroundings?

5. Help older loved ones or new parents.

She left our home so clean and just in time as we welcomed our new baby that same night. I couldn’t be more grateful.Aspen W., Overland Park

Prioritizing cleaning can be a little more difficult at certain stages of life, especially for new parents or the elderly. If you or someone you love isn’t quite able to give cleaning the attention you’d like, hiring a house cleaner can help shoulder the burden. 

How might those loved ones benefit from regular, professional cleaning?

6. Resolve tensions with your partner.

This house cleaning service has been a lifesaver for my husband and I, who are parents of 4 messy boys and 2 untidy dogs. Kathleen W., Newburgh

Some call it the “chore war.” Maybe it’s housework hostility or a domestic duty dispute.

If housework and cleaning build resentment and divide you and your partner, delegating the cleaning can be an excellent solution. Joking aside, house cleaning could make a great gift for your partner. Concern for cleanliness demonstrates care. Maybe household cleaning isn’t the best Valentine’s Day option, but perhaps a cleaner is the best gift you and your partner could get for one another.

Why pay a therapist when you can just pay a cleaner, save yourself the stress, and get a sparkling clean house on top of it all?

7. Stay organized.  

    She organized and managed my possessions with care.  Cottage Care sent the right person to clean my house! Janet V., Oklahoma City

    Some people like to say that a cluttered house is a cluttered mind. Everyone processes the world differently, but studies have shown that “clutter may lead to decreased focus, confusion, and tension.” House cleaners help you stay organized. Instead of looking around and seeing clutter, mess, and disorganization, you’ll enjoy a tidy, orderly space.

    What would decluttering do for you?

    8. Experience a professional clean.

    It’s so nice to have someone consistent who does a great job and makes our house sparkle.Tammy R., Menomonee Falls

    We all know cleaning isn’t easy. Add to the housework the million other things you’re required to juggle, and it’s a real chore to find the energy and focus you need to get house cleaning done right. 

    When you delegate cleaning to a cleaning service, you enlist a trained professional whose sole responsibility is to focus on cleaning your home. They don’t have to cook dinner and answer that phone call and make sure everyone’s on schedule and keep all the plates spinning. They’re here to ensure everything sparkles—and that’s it.

    What it would be like to have someone else focus their attention completely on cleaning your home?

    9. Enjoy eco-friendly cleaning products.

    The fact that they use environmentally friendly cleaners that aren’t abrasive means a lot to me as a mom of a toddler, and the house always looks stunning when they leave. Sarah M., Charlotte

    Professional, thorough cleaning doesn’t have to be costly to the environment—or the health of your pets or loved ones. Professional house cleaning services can and should use environmentally conscious cleaning products that are non-toxic and non-abrasive.

    If you choose CottageCare for your cleaning, you can rest assured that we’ve used eco-friendly products long before it was fashionable. We prioritize the health of your home and your community always while still delivering exceptional cleaning services.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to have a deep clean with zero toxicity?

    10. Maintain a healthier home.

    They put forth effort to insure that our needs were met, including my allergies. Tori K., Baton Rouge

    We spend 90% of our lives indoors. While we work, rest, eat, play, and even do school at home, poor air quality, including dust and allergens, can negatively impact our health. Consistent cleaning “reduce[s] the accumulation of pet dander, mold, and dust lurking in your home.” With the stringent cleaning of a professional service, you’ll ensure that your home is as free from harmful particulates as possible.

    How would you feel knowing your entire family is breathing cleaner, fresher air?

    11. Get more done—or don’t.

    My partner and I are still finding little details that we didn’t even expect them to clean. Jonah N., Munster

    Professional house cleaning services should get lost in the details so you don’t have to. With someone else focusing their undivided attention on cleaning, you can start that project, dive into that book, do a little bit extra at work—or just relax. 

    That’s the power of freedom from housework: you let someone else concern themselves with the cleaning so you can refocus wherever your attention is needed most. 

    What can we free you up to focus on?

    Bonus: Professional Cleaning Doesn’t Cost As Much As You Think

    Not having to tell the kids that I cant go play with them because the bathrooms need cleaning is such an amazing feeling. . . . They are so reasonably priced and I smile when I know that cleaning day is coming. —Erica N.

    Professional house cleaning doesn’t cost as much as you might think—especially when you factor in the benefits we discussed above.

    • What is more time with loved ones worth?
    • What would you pay for less stress?
    • What should peace of mind cost?
    • How much is a healthier, happier, organized home worth?

    Fill out our quote form and find out how you can experience the benefits of hiring a professional house cleaner for you and your loved ones.

    Looking for house cleaning services in your area?

    CottageCare cleans homes in dozens of locations across the United States and three in Canada.